Monday, December 18, 2006


I found this on The Jade Road and thought it looked like fun, so here goes...
A is for Age.
I am 33 and 1/2 (almost exactly)
B is for beer.
I used to really like it. Now, I don't drink much, but every now and then one tastes good.
C is for career.
Never really had one of those. I'm a part-time server and full-time momma.
D is for dog's name.
Don't have a dog. My parent's used to have one -- her name was Sadie.
E is for Essential item I use every day.
My laptop, of course!
F is for favorite TV show.
"Gilmore Girls" and endless reruns of "Law and Order"
G is for favorite game
I love cards. Also, Balderdash is hilarious.
H is for hometown
Royal Oak, MI. Born there, livin there now!
I is for Instruments I play.
Play? Play? no, I don't play any instruments. But I took piano lessons and I own a guitar. Maybe someday.
J is for favorite juice.
K is for whose butt I like to kick.
That's easy! Bad tippers! But, I won't.
L is for last place I ate.
Out? was "Famous Dave's" and it was delicious.
M is for marriage.
Yep, I'm for it! Going on 6 years with my sweet hubby.
N is for my name.
Why, yes it is! Nikki.
O is for overnight hospital stay.
One that I can remember. I had my appendix removed when I was 13. Emergency surgery.
P is for People I was with today.
Just me and the kid today. (Unless you count the random strangers we encountered while out and about running errands).
Q is for quote.
"Let them eat cake" I just finished dinner and I'm craving something sweet.
R is for biggest regret.
refer back to the letter C. (I don't regret the momma part, though!!!!) Just wish I had made some different choices during my college years.)
S is for sport.
I would rather play than watch sports. My favs: softball and beach volleyball.
T is for time I woke up today.
Oh, this is embarrassing. 9:30 ish. Lily was up very late. So, I was too.
U is for current underwear.
I had to check. Gray and pink cotten boy briefs from Aeropostale. Very comfy.
V is for vegetable you love.
corn on the cob and asparagus are tied.
W is for worst habit.
Gosh, there are so many to choose from. OK, self-critism wins.
X is for x-rays I've had.
Well, definitely at the dentist. Otherwise, I dunno.
Y is for Yummy food you ate today.
left-overs from "Famous Dave's" yummy spare ribs.
Z is for zodiac.
I am a Gemini, although I don't follow all that junk.
Be a sport and play along. Leave me a comment if you do so I can check out YOUR ABC's.
OK, Becky. You promised you would!


aimeeg said...

You are now the second person I found by reading these ABCs that likes the Gilmore Girls. I love that show, but I don't know a single other person my age who watches it:) I'm glad I'm not alone, haha!

Awesome ABCs!

Steffie B. said...

You are a goof ball!

Beckyb said...

Ok - I played along - go and see!!

Pam said...

I'm posting tonight.