After reading books one night last week, Lily's face disappeared into her pajamas (as pictured), and I could hear her muffled whispers. So I, of course, asked her what she was doin' in there. To which she replied "pwaying". I asked her why she had her head in her PJs to pray...and her reply was "Cuz God is in my heart - and my heart is in here!"
As if that wasn't sweet enough...I leaned in closer to hear her prayer. It went something like this: "God and Jesus, pwease heal my papa cuz he got hit on his moto-cycle...and take care of ev-wee-one in da world. I love you soooo much. Haymen."
(Yes, my dad had been hit by a car while riding his motorcycle and got banged up a bit - but he is fine...PRAISE THE LORD!)
I love that she is praying on her own now. She will randomly list different people off at night for God to take care of. She mentions family members that live out of state (she does NOT understand why people we love choose to live OUT of this fine state) haha. I also love how much she is learning about God, and how she truly loves Him already, at her young age. She talks about Him all the time. In the car the other day she was rattling on and on..."Mommy, when we do some-ting bad, it's called a sin but God takes our sins and puts them FAR away. I learned dat fwom my devotional you wead me evewee-day." She has plenty of questions about Him too. (Why is He a spirit? How can I hear Him when I can't SEE Him? etc)
She just amazes me over and over again. I keep thinking that one of these days the "awe" factor will subside a bit, but that's not happening. I am 100%, crazy, ga-ga, head over heals in love with this child!
Preschool is going extremely well. She loves it SO much, and has already made some buddies - we actually have our first "playdate" after class tomorrow. A couple of the other moms have volunteered in class already and they both commented to me on how "smart" and "sweet" Lily is. Makes a momma very proud! And, I'm taking advantage of that time to myself - it's been really good for me too.
So, that's it for now. We're just enjoying our fall - although, it still feels a whole lot like summer around here. (and I'm NOT complaining)