Seriously, it was fun. And, we really enjoyed washing and eating them later that day. (after swimming the afternoon away at my sister's house.)
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Strawberry Pickin'
Seriously, it was fun. And, we really enjoyed washing and eating them later that day. (after swimming the afternoon away at my sister's house.)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
SO Blessed!
Our cabin was great...lots of space for the 15 of us...
We hot tubbed, swam in the pool, played games,
went tubing down the river, went go-carting, ate WAY too much, and just had a blast the whole week. Lily was great! Super sassy, for sure, but great. Gee Gee brought a jar of beads and string, so Lily spent a lot of time making custom jewelry for the, that girl enjoys a good project!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Updates...and we're out!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Happy Birthday, Lily!

Seems like just yesterday...but forever ago, all at once. My baby is growing up so quickly. When we celebrated her first birthday we had only been a family for about 2 months. Now I can hardly remember what life was like BEFORE she came along.
Lily, you are an incredible blessing. You have made me feel joy and love in ways I didn't even know were possible. You are a bright, FUNNY, opinionated little girl and you teach me so many things on a daily basis. I am a better person because of you. You have changed so much over the years, and I feel myself changing right along with you. You are affectionate and kind. You must tell me at least 10 or 20 times daily how much you love me. (the biggest, the best, and the most!) You are happiest when the whole family is together and you are so pleased to know (as we are) that "famiwee is forever". You keep all of us on our toes with your questions about every little thing. We are going to have a hard time keeping up with you, that is for sure. I tell you all the time that you can do and be ANYTHING you want in life, and I just know you will do great say you are going to be an astronaut and I believe you! Right now you are asking to be a big sister, and we're working on that one for you. I'd love for you to have a sibling to share the rest of your life with. You would be such a great big sister, too! You love being outside watering your "garden". You love butterflies and flowers and anything that sparkles (especially your "party" shoes). You love to draw and paint "masterpieces" and then giving them as presents. Oh, and you LOVE TO DANCE! ALL THE TIME!!! You love the computer as much as I do, and you enjoy learning new things. I love teaching you about Jesus, and love how you talk to him as if He were sittin' there next to you. My heart sings when I listen to you pray - it refreshes me and my faith is renewed by watching you display yours. Thank you for being our daughter. Our angel from heaven...we cherish every moment with you. Happy fourth birthday to you...and many more!
Love, Mom
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Party Pics!
First, it was about as perfect as it could be. Lily was a HAPPY girl from the moment she woke up till the second her head hit her pillow last nite. We had a wonderful morning cleaning the backyard and baking cupcakes (Lily in her NEW apron)...she was a huge helper. Then she got ready in her princess dress and waited anxiously for her guests to arrive. Booma D and Papa D were first (and they're staying until Monday-YAY!!!!) She was talking a mile a minute, catching them up on everything they've missed over the past few months. Then the rest of the gang arrived and the party was ON.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Grumpy Cheerleader
She was much more interested in running around with Payton...picking up sticks, rocks, and flowers, and (of course) making funny faces for the camera.