My Cutie Crocodile
My beautiful princess

Sweet siblings

My beautiful princess
Sweet siblings
I can't believe how bad I've gotten at updating this blog! My Aunt scolded me yesterday, and reminded me that I will soon forget all these special moments if I don't record them somewhere. So, this one's for Gee Gee!
Lily: Still very much enjoying school. She is beginning to read, and is getting pretty good at sounding out unfamiliar words. I love it when she will ask me what a specific word means, and then I'll see her using it in a sentence. To hear her say she is "famished" cracks me up. She is a great conversationalist and says she really enjoys "chit-chat". She can also speak more Spanish that I can, which is a trip. Kindergarten is not the same as it was when I was 5. She already has math homework, for crying out loud! She is the smallest one in her class, and the kids kind-of treat her like the baby...which she absolutely eats up. She is happy to declare that she is "ba-tite" (petite). Her little BFF will squeeze Lily and say "Oh, you are just my little pumpkin, aren't you!?" It's hilarious. When Lily is at home, she is very interested in her 100 piece puzzles. She can do them without much help from me...she's wanting some 2 and 300 piece-ers for Christmas. She still loves to dance, but I've noticed that she is singing all of the time now. The other day, she went into my bedroom and shut the door behind her. When I asked what she was doing she replied "I am singing praises to Jesus, and I couldn't hear myself out there." She is still a mixture of sassy and sweet. (just a bit more sassy, and a bit less sweet than before). She has told me that she "wants a different mom" or that she wants to go "live with Aunt Jody"...Usually when I am telling her she can't have something she wants. But, she is pretty quick to apologize and declare her love for me again. She loves her brother to pieces, and is incredible with him. She does tell me that she misses getting all of the attention sometimes, but she never takes it out on Devin. She still says that God gave us the best baby in the whole world. (and I agree that He did. twice.)
Devin: He currently has a double ear infection, so we are just trying to get him better right now. Luckily, he is still eating and sleeping really well. This baby will take 2 to 3 good naps during the day and STILL sleep 12 hours at night. It is amazing! He now sits up by himself, and loves to stand (with assistance). He has absolutely no interest in crawling. He loves his exer-saucer and his "Praise Baby" DVD's, just like Lily did. He babbles and laughs, and is just now starting to wave. It is about the cutest thing I've ever seen. He loves sucking his thumb while holding on to his super soft blanket - they are the reasons he is such a great sleeper. He is a solid 21 pounds, and I have an achin' back to testify to that fact. But, he truly is a fabulous, sweet, funny, beautiful, easy going baby and he is a joy to parent. The time is flying by, I can hardly believe he will be 9 months old in just a few days! Soon he will be enjoying his first Christmas! Yikes!