Sunday, April 29, 2007
Day of rest
Friday, April 27, 2007
Favorite Photo Friday *Updated*

This picture was taken last summer --*I mean TWO SUMMERS AGO* at one of our favorite parks doing what WAS Lily's very favorite thing...swinging. I would spend hours pushing her on the swing and she never seemed to grow tired of it...well, a couple of times she did actually fall asleep in the swing but you get my drift!
This is one of my favorite pictures of all time. Lily just looks sooooo happy!
She still really enjoys swinging. But, she doesn't stay in nearly as long, and she sometimes wants to go on the "big girl" swing and do it "by self".
*Where does the time go?*
It was another dreary day today, but we are supposed to have a sunny weekend, so maybe we will get out to the park!
Happy Friday everyone...
Thursday, April 26, 2007
The rain just will not stop falling, and we just wanna go outside and play!
I haven't showered yet, and we are both still in our jammies. We have read books, built towers, watched videos, put together puzzles, and checked on some of our favorite blogs. It is only 3:30 -- daddy won't be home for hours. What do we do now? I have been on a diet/trying to change my lifestyle/make better eating choices...for a week and a half. I just wanna chow on everything in the house! Meanwhile, I can't get Lily to eat much of anything. Ugh. My plan is to go for a walk/jog when Jay gets home...we'll see if that happens.
Thank God tomorrow is Friday.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
My 100th post!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Favorite Photo Friday
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I like what I see!
Yep, I'd be kissin' my reflection too if I looked like her!
Nothing wrong with a healthy self image, right??
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Lily and Grace. Grace's mommy and I have been friends for quite awhile, and we get together as often as we can!
Hallie and Lily have been friends for about a year. Hallie's mom and I are also embarking on a relative
Macy and Lily are good friends that play very well together while Jay and I enjoy time with their parents (who are VERY good friends of ours). Macy also has an older sister Sara who adores Lily and the feeling is mutual.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
More pics of Lily and Hannah
Monday, April 16, 2007
Home again, home again, jiggity-jig!
We're back from our weekend away with friends and I took SO many pictures that I can't post them all today -- it would surely be overload for my blogger friends, so I will spread it out a bit, and save some for tomorrow.
This slideshow is comprised of pictures taken on Friday. We arrived at Steve and Tracy's beautiful home at around 4:00pm. The drive there took about 7 hours, so we were extremely happy to get out of the car and stretch our legs. The girls took no time to get re-aquainted...they were just off to playing together just like I hoped they would.
We all had a wonderful time together. Tracy and I are blown away by how similar our girls are. Sometimes we just looked at each other and shook our heads at their little antics. They are both so stinkin' cute, but equally as spicy. This weekend just showed me again why we all get along so well.
*Steve, Tracy, and Hannah: Thanks again for having us to your home. We had a great time and look forward to the next time we can all be together! XOXOXO*
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Lily's gonna see Hannah!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Lily is NOT a ballerina!!!!
Please don't be fooled by these pictures. She may look like a pretty little ballerina, but I assure you she is not. Just because she went to my parent's house Easter Sunday with her "Badaweena tostume" on, and insisted on wearing it (over her clothes, of course) to the mall and the grocery store yesterday does not make her a ballerina! You think that just because she woke up this morning at 7am calling out (half asleep) "Badaweena tostume!" that she IS INDEED a ballerina!? No! But, don't feel badly if she had you fooled, because she tricked me too. I had the audacity to ask her if she was my little ballerina girl to which she boldly replied, "NO MOMMA! I AM A MONKEY!!!!"
Monday, April 9, 2007
"She's gonna blow!"
Well, I enjoyed taking a stroll down memory lane for my "Gotcha Day" posts, but it is nice to be back in the present! I wanted to post some pictures from last week because my niece Logan turned seven! This girl is something special, that is FOR SURE! She is mature beyond her years, and has always been one of my very favorite people on earth. She is such a wonderful cousin to Lily. Her heart just bursts with love for her! She doesn't even mind sharing the limelight on her birthday. Lily is OBSESSED with blowing out birthday candles, so Logan let her help with that. Her heart is so big. I just love both my sweet girls.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Looking Back. Part Three. Happy Gotcha Day!

The day FINALLY arrived. We met our sweet Lily face to face exactly two years ago today. After waiting, praying, doing homestudies, filling out endless amounts of paperwork, raising money, preparing our home, filling a nursery with clothes, toys, and everything else a child may need, reading books on parenting, reading books on adoption, and traveling 15 hours in a plane...WE BECAME A FAMILY OF THREE!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 7th, 2005 (written before meeting Lily)
Today is Gotcha Day. I can't believe it. There were many times when I wondered if this day would ever arrive and now it is here! It's 2am and I couldn't sleep -- wonder why!? Jay is snoring away. It is funny how very different we are. We're meeting down in the lobby at 5:50am to go to the airport. Our flight for Changsha leaves at 7:55. I'm nervous.
Sunday, April 10th, 2005
OK, where do I begin? I couldn't write anything on "Gotcha Day" after we actually GOT Lily. Too crazy. Today is day 4 with her and it is NOTHING like I had imagined. She is a daddy's girl big-time. She'll only let me hold her if Jay isn't around and she'll scream bloody murder first. It's been rough. I've spent a lot of time crying. I'm legally Lily's mom but it sure doesn't feel like it. I don't think either of us was prepared for how difficult it would be. She cries so loud and so long and we have no idea what to do for her. It is getting better day by day, though. We are figuring out what and when to feed her and when she needs a nap. (she eats and sleeps a lot)! She was up quite a bit last night, so I brought her into bed with me -so I could rub her belly when she cried and she would fall back asleep. She's teething and she has a cold so she's kinda unhappy about that. But, we have seen glimpses of a very sweet, funny, silly baby. She wakes up happy and playful and she loves playing with her spoon -- she bangs it on everything and just laughs!When I watch her sleeping I am in awe. Her beautiful eyes and lashes, button nose and sweet, little lips. She is a beautiful child! We are making it. Some days/moments are better than others. Our hotel room looks like a tornado blew through it. Hey! We're first time parents and we get messy trying to figure this stuff out! I am sleep deprived, homesick, and emotionally drained, but I pray each day it will get better. Jay has been incredible. He's a great husband and an amazing dad. This has been a difficult week, but I AM A MOM!!!!!
So, we had a rough start. It may have been the day I had been looking forward to with anticipation for years, but not so for Lily. She had been taken from the only world she had ever known that day and placed in the arms of total strangers. It was going to take some time for her...
Skip ahead.
Friday, April 7th, 2006
Exactly one year ago today we laid eyes on Lily Lin for the very first time. It has been an amazing journey so far with ups and downs that come with having a child --adopted OR biological. The year has flown by and of all the feelings that I have today the one that stands out the most is...blessed. I feel God loves me a lot to have had such an incredibly special plan for my life. Lily is my beautiful angel from heaven and she has shown me how to truly love. Unselfishly and unconditionally. I hope she always celebrates "Gotcha Day" with joy and thanksgiving with us and I pray she feels as blessed as we do. She has a family that loves her so very much.
Skip, skip ahead.
Saturday, April 7th, 2007
I've been a momma for two years! Wow. Life just keeps gettin' sweeter. This child of mine who started off as a stranger has become such a part of me. I loved her instantly, but I didn't KNOW her. That took time. Now, I love how we make each other laugh, and how sometimes I am the only one who can interpret what she is saying. I love how sometimes momma is the only one who can read her books to her the right way or sing a song with her. I love her incredible sense of humor and her ability to memorize an amazing amount of information. I love how she sings worship songs, and will get lost in an entertaining video. I love watching her sleep and also love hearing her call out for me when she wakes up. I love the way she smells after a bath, and how she wants me to sing "Rockabye baby" to her while she is still wrapped in her towel. I love the way her soft little body feels all snuggled up to mine. I love the sweet and quiet quality to her voice and how SMART she is. I love how she says "I yuv oo Mama" and how she says we're best friends. I love watching her climb and jump and dance around like a "badaweena". I love watching her laugh and play with her daddy, her cousins, aunts, uncles, grandpas, grandmas, and all of the friends she has made over the past two years. I love how excited she gets when I give her a piece of candy or chocolate and how she will quickly say, "Oh, tank oo Mama!" See, I loved her long before I met her, and it got even better when I held her in my arms, but now I get to spend my life getting to know her and finding more and more reasons to love this sweet little girl. And, it's great to have her love me too. Nothin' better!!
Happy Gotcha Day to you, my child. I shall make every day an opportunity to discover yet another thing to love about you, and I shall love you deeply, truly, and always!
* Happy Gotcha Day to all of Lily's sweet friends who also met their families for the first time this day 2 years ago...Chloe, Sophia, Mya, Olivia, Mia, Hannah, Leah, Emily, Anna, and Maggie. XOXO*
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Looking Back. Part Two.