Things that made me smile this week:
-My sister celebrated a birthday. I was emotional all day...maybe because now I know that expanding your family is a huge decision and it isn't always easy. I am just so thankful that my mom and dad decided not to stop with just little ol' me and God blessed us all 32 years ago with my sweet baby sis. She is my BEST friend and is constantly impressing, surprising, and inspiring me in this life!
Gwen and
Pam received news that they will travel to China early next month to bring home their babies! This news has me sooo excited that I'm jumping out of my skin. I cannot wait to see them holding their children in their arms. God is so good!
- LILY! LILY! LILY! She makes me smile (and laugh till my sides hurt) daily. She woke up this morning and found her favorite spot on the couch to watch Playhouse Disney. She was cold and asked me to wrap her "wike a mermaid" in her blanket. After I did that she asked me to put my arm around her because "momma, your skin is so warm and comfy"... I sat there for a minute and then told her I needed to go take a shower. She responded with "Will you just sit here wif me for two minutes, pwease?" How could I say no to that?
She also cracked me up the other day when she woke up from her nap saying "I wanna go on the Peter Pan ride! I wanna stay awake!" (In Disney she fell asleep while waiting in line for this ride, so we didn't end up going on it.) Maybe next time, kiddo
Some of her favorite phrases this week:
"My butt stinks!" (I think I've finally broken her of this one, cuz I only smiled the first couple times she said it...when she shouted it in the grocery store I was less amused.)
"I'm a pwoo pwincess" (true princess)...YES, she is. She wears her princess nightgown and slippers any time we're home now, too.
"I wanna be a good wistener and I wanna be sweet" (Most of the time she is...sometimes not so much)
Her favorite song to sing:
"Jesus Loves Me"
Many reasons to smile over here. Hope you all are finding your own reasons to smile... Have a great weekend!
Oh, I will post pictures of my new and improved bathroom next week...I'm sure the anticipation of that will be overwhelming!