Hmmm...I nested, I prayed, I waited, I cried, I read, I stressed, I wondered, I ached, I nested some more...but nothing could have prepared me for this. Life with a newborn baby. My life. Please do not think for one moment that I have lost sight of the GIFT that Devin is to our family. I am well aware. And I am thankful. I love him. However, the past two months have been more exhausting and draining than I had ever dreamed possible. I knew I would lose sleep, but I didn't understand how much more I would lose. I pictured him sleeping peacefully in his carrier while I went about my business. I never dreamed that going to the bank with him would be a risky adventure. I would have laughed at you if you had told me I would be too scared to take both my kids to the grocery store! Gimme a break! But, it's true. I've yet to take on that task with my sweet screamer in tow. I am proud of myself when I get Lily to preschool without incident. How pathetic am I? I have been assured and reassured that he is a typical baby, and that things should get much easier in a couple months. And, things are already looking up. He screams a lot less than he used to and he is now SMILING ALL THE TIME! And he has the cutest stinkin' smile. He also coos and laughs, which is doing my heart a lot of good. Thank God for the these sweet smiles!

Lily, of course, is still my smilin' angel. She absolutely loves Devin and is the best sis ever. She is totally immune to his screaming - it's like she doesn't even hear it. (I wish I knew her secret!)

Holding hands.

Devin looking at Lily while she gives him some love. ("petting" his head)


sweet, chubby smile!

My angel babies.
Also, at Devin's 2 month appointment today my doc raved about how well he is doing. He now weighs 13 lb 4 oz, and is 24 and 1/2 inches. At the end of the day, I am so glad I have been blessed with healthy (and generally happy) babies.
I know I will eventually return to "myself". Just need some time (and some sleep).
Thanks to my friends who still check in on me. I do check on you from time to time, I just don't usually leave a comment. (oh, and some of you have gone private and I'm "locked out!) Kathy, you left me your new blog addy and I have misplaced it - I'd love for you to leave it for me again.
I'm praying that he will improve even more so you can get the rest that you need. He is adorable. Lily is just as cute as ever.
It's always SO good to see an update from you. Glad that things are okay and that you are settling into the rhythm of your new family. It WILL get better and easier in time. You are in my thoughts.
Off to send you an email.
Sounds like things are going well..
Devin will get easier.. it is just those first few needy months..
Love the photos.
Take care..
I can totally understand your pain! The infant stage is sooo hard! Things get so much better when everyone is sleeping through the night! In the meantime, enjoy the smiles!
Hang in there!
I still check in all the time:) Actually, I let facebook update me some weeks, I have cut my blogging time A LOT! Actually, computer time in general, time sucker!! Devin is darling, soooo cute and yes, it will get better. I remember someone told me a magic day when it would all fall into place and lo and behold, that is exactly what happened so, I will say the same to you...round about 12 weeks, you find your groove, it smooths out and your schedule begins to return.
Lily is, as always gorgeous and i love those happy sister smiles!
Rest, my friend and be encouraged.
Hey Nikki!
I remember those days...exhausting indeed!!
Devin is getting so big...what a little cutie!!!
Hang in there, my friend! You are doing a wonderful job!!!
love you!
Hey Nikki!
Sounds like you are a normal Momma with all the typical feelings of fatigue! I will pass and things will get better.
I just viewed a clip about a swaddling blanket that mommas are happy with. I'll try to paste the site for you. Maybe worth a try!:)There are probably more sites than this one. This just looked pretty easy to use.
Take care and try to nap when you can!
Love, hollym.
Looks like Lily is fitting into her role and big sister really well. And you, well we all KNOW already that you are a wonderful momma! :) Love the pictures.
Oh, so good to see you : ) I am sure it has been trying..that is why I bring mine home only after those first few months LOL You are doing great obviously from the looks of your smiling kiddos!! Hope to really see you this summer!!
Good to read you. Love to see all those smiles!!!
The pic of these small hands holding each other is priceless.
Take good care of you Momma. Hope you can get some rest.
YIKES!!! I will be praying for "yourself" to return quickly so you can enjoy every moment and not be in a daze of sleeplessness! ; ) What huge blessings for your family! Thanks for posting when you are tired.
oh I can just imagine how fun it i s at yourhouse right now!
Sweetness. such sweetness...
and HARD WORK!;)
oh sister how i miss you too !! would love to hear your voice ... sorry i haven't checked in w/ ya, but i am doing my own kind of exhaustion here ... just another reason we should live close then we could sit on the couch together exhausted while our kids scream and run around us in cirles ...
i love ya and praying for some rest for you !!!
P.S. those are two stinkin cute kids you got there !!!
Hang in there sister. It will get better and sleep will come. Your babies are so cute. Thanks for the update I was wondering about how you guys were doing. Praying for a April referral. :) Blessings,
I haven't been around much either! So glad to see you getting through those first few months and Devin is getting so big and healthy. I love it when they start smiling and cooing it's just the reward you need for all that crying!
I'm a good friend of the Byrd's Nest. Remember that they do grow and grow fast. I remember my cry out for help some days with a newborn and 3year old. I felt crazy most days. Mine are now 19 and 16 and I would love to have those days back. Good Luck and I will keep you in my prayers. You do have two adorable babies
LOL......I have sooooo lived this nightmare....oops....I mean wonderful time in me if you need anything....I so remember these feelings....and now I have 3 to try and do things with....scares me to death!
Love you girl....glad things are going well.....hoping we all see each other this summer..
Hooray for smiles!
BIG HUG...... Sleep deprivation can be a horrible thing! Hang in there my friend. You will all get through it together.
Love you,
Nothing warms a heart more then the face of a smiling child.
Oh, Nikki, I know from the previous post this stage is a little farther behind you, but I know it must be hard! Just because you are happy and blessed to have a family doesn't mean you can't be overwhelmed or have things to complain about -- any parent knows it :) I was just writing on another blog that when Alex came home, I could have sworn it was 3 mos. until we were on a schedule -- I was exhausted and it was so hard -- but I doublechecked the logs I kept at the time, and it was only 1 month. It seems like it will never end, but it does :)
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