OK, some of you girls (you KNOW who you are!) want me to reveal a bit more of myself. Or, rather, the contents of my little home and my PURSE of all things!?
Well, I'm not willing to share such personal "stuff" with you at this moment. It's summertime and I'm too busy outside enjoying myself to do much cleaning around the homestead right now. And my purse! I don't even want to think about THAT right now. Can you say "junk sack"!? So, I will show you the lovely outer-workings of my tiny bungalow and the "monkey mat" that sits upon my porch (along with a rocking chair, a pink chair for Lily, lots of bubble-blowing equipment, bubbles, and other random items). This is all ya get for now. The rest will come at a later date. I promise. And if you're ever in the neighborhood feel free to drop by. Visitors are always welcome. Just don't expect my bed to be made.
Anyway, our weekend was a tad LESS fun than I had anticipated. The antibiotics that Lily has to take for her eye infection cause her to have nasty diarrhea. So, traveling was not the greatest thing for her (now raw) bottom. She was not exactly in "party mode" so we struggled through two graduation parties and lots of driving on Saturday. She slept like a rock that night, which was a pleasant change, and we did spend a small amount of time in my in-law's pool on Sunday. But, we were back on the road right after lunch to get our baby home sweet home. She is doing MUCH better today. She is learning that if she releases the "crap" into the potty rather than into her diaper it is better for everyone. Smart girl. So, I was running back and forth between my neighbor's pool and the potty all day today. My sister-in-law gave me some "bottom paint" to help with the diaper rash and it does seem to be working its magic, thank the Lord. So, that's what we're up to over here. We have big plans the next couple of weekends, so I guess it's better to be getting this out of the way now.