Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The last hurdle
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Christmas In July
First, I ordered her the most beautiful white dress from Baby Gap...we will be taking "beach photos" next month and I cannot wait. When I opened it she said "Momma, that bwess is beautiful, you buy dat for me?"
Then, if that wasn't enough, Kimberly had a cyber shower for Elizabeth and her gorgeous new daughter Grace Ryan. I won a shower prize -- the cutest t-shirt that Lily feels like a real princess in. (any guesses why?) Thanks Kim!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
This one's for you, Loganberry Muffin!
Monday, July 23, 2007
My Ballerina is back...ready for "dance bwass"!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Oh, happy days!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Doctor! Doctor! Give me the news!

Well, we heard from Jay's doctor today and he does NOT have a tumor or anything else life-threatening. He has been diagnosed with "cluster headaches"(you can click HERE for more info)...just like I thought. Thank you very much internet! He is picking up his prescription on the way home from work and we are just letting out a big sigh of relief!
Speaking of doctors -- I took Lily to see hers this morning. She has been complaining of an "itchy bootie" for several days and last night she was scooting her butt along the carpet like a dog with worms, so I gave in and called her Pediatrician today. Everything looks fine, so she told me to just soak her in an Aveeno oatmeal bath for a couple days -- could be from all the swimming she's been doing(?)
But, I was telling my sister that Lily loves going to the doctor's office so much I wish I didn't have a 30 dollar co-pay, cuz I would take her there weekly for one of our fun activities. I kid you not...she is in HEAVEN the whole time we are there. Her doc checked her bootie and Lily politely requested that she use her flashlight, so of course the doc obliged. Then Lily insisted that her throat be checked, and then she wanted to wear the stethoscope to check her heart. As I was cashing out Lily was picking out her sucker saying, "I really love going to the doctor's office. I feel better already." I wish I had brought my camera. (not for the bootie inspection, but for the rest.) Oh yeah, and when the nurse was taking her to the scale to get weighed, Lily said matter-of-factly: "I weigh 27 pounds"...and she still does. The kid cracks me up. My doctor kept asking "Is this the same child from a year ago?" To which I answered, "No, she really isn't the same child at all." I hardly recognize her myself sometimes.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Lily and Spot
OK, so back to the dog.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Ask Me Anything!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Congratulations Oatsvall Family!!!
My last couple posts have been a bit drab, dreary, and depressing so tonight I want to post some GOOD NEWS!!!
Our wonderful friends in Tennessee (that hosted our reunion) have a new daughter! They found out on Tuesday that they were matched with a little girl on the Children Of Promise/Special needs list. She is a beautiful,almost 2 year old from China. When I got the phone call from Gwen I was crying and shaking as if it were happening to me! Please, if you haven't already, go over and congratulate Gwen and see some pictures of her newest miracle.
We are soooo happy that our friends will soon have another child to love and we are so glad that this little cutie from China will soon have such a wonderful family to spend the rest of her life with. Congratulations Scott, Gwen, Jeremiah, Elijah, Emily...and Maggie!!!
We love you guys and miss you. Lily keeps asking to see all her friends from China. Yesterday she was convinced that Sophia was coming to spend the night. Luckily, my niece and two nephews came for a sleepover, so she had a blast. Also, we were looking (again) at pictures from the reunion and I pointed at one of them and asked Lily who it was. She replied "Emiwee Woo"! I thought it was so cute. (her name is Emily Rui, pronounced Roo).
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I'll post again Tuesday.
Me and Lily with Gwen and Emily
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Please pray
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Feeling a void
Monday, July 9, 2007
Pingjiang Reunion
Mya, Sophia, Lily, Maggie, and Emily eating b-day cake
Baithing beauties: Chloe, Sophia, Emily and Lily
Red couch photos: with all of them pictured it is (left to right)Emily, Leah, Mya, Olivia (on top), Hannah, Maggie, Sophia, Lily, Chloe, and Anna.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Fourth of July Photo Shoot
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Back to Lily
But, for now, back to baby #1! Lily is doing sooooo great. I have much to tell. First of a
Other than that, she has just been up to her usual antics. She is not quite over all of her "baby" behavior just yet. Still fights her naps with every ounce of her energy most days, but momma knows she still NEEDS one. She had a major melt down last week before she finally fell asleep and when she woke up she immediately began to re-count the events: "I all done bwying now. Momma shut da door. Momma told me to bweeve"...(I had shut the door to the bedroom and returned because she was so hysterical I thought she might get sick, so I went and sat with her and said "Lily, you need to breathe, calm down" etc. etc.)
She is memorizing more and more of her books -- so much so that I have to be careful to read EVERY word correctly to her. Otherwise she gets upset, scolds me, and makes me begin again. (My mother-in-law got in trouble for mis-reading one of the pages too.) Hilarious. Once when she was correcting me I began to read the page again (the right way), I guess I was reading too loudly for her liking so she told me to "turn it down". Then she shh'd me for awhile. Bossy kid. Should've named her Lola. Whatever Lily wants, Lily gets.
We have family in from out of town so we are GO GO GO right now. I'll be back later.
Oh, and be sure to check out Lily's new "bwocks" (mock crocs) that daddy bought her. She wears them EVERYWHERE. Her other shoes no longer exist.