Thursday, May 31, 2007
Playing catch up. Memorial Day Weekend pics.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
I'm sorry...soooo sorry!
So for now I will just give you a list of subjects I will soon be posting about:
1. Memorial Day BBQ with family (lotsa bubble blowing pictures)
2. Dannye (from Laydfrog) sends Lily a B-day present!
3. Meeting a "sister" blogger from Michigan -- Lynn (from Waiting For Hope)
4. Lily's less than good listening skills as of late...uh oh!
And there is much much more. I am sooo out of the blogging loop right now. I have to play major catch up with my own and on many of my favorite blogs too. Hope you are all having a wonderful week and I'll be back soon!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Then Comes Marriage!

Friday, May 25, 2007
First Comes Love...

Thursday, May 24, 2007
I'm ready for my nap!
Are you kidding me?!? "Lily, what on earth are you doing?" She yanks the plug cover out of her mouth to tell me "I got my pacifier!" Of course. The funniest thing about this display is that Lily NEVER even used a pacifier. (Although there were days I prayed she would just to stop the constant crying.) So, here she is at (almost) 3 years old -- giving the pacifier a try. This kid is such a goof ball!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Favorite Photo Friday -- and Lil' tidbits
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Back to Lily, as promised!
Today was cold and nasty outside, so she had to settle for playing inside in the sink. Man, she makes a mess with the water and the soap (lots of soap is used to make lots of bubbles, of course.)
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
7 Random facts about ME!

But, here goes:
1. I dream of someday moving to a warmer climate. I love Michigan because my family is here, but I think I would be soooo much happier living in say Florida, or Georgia, or Tennessee!
2. Both my hubby and I were engaged to other people before we started dating each other.
3. One of my biggest passions is singing. However, I suffer from severe stage fright -- I have sung many solos before, but my dream job would be singing in a group, or singing back-up for someone else!
5. My favorite flower was always the daisy. I was crazy for all things daisy...Until I met my Lily! Being her momma is my greatest joy in life...but you all knew that!
6. I have been working in the restaurant industry for almost 15 years, and I still like it most days. I just hope to someday have my weekends back.
7. And lastly,(or firstly), I am a lover of God who is constantly slipping and trying to make my way back to His feet. I am weak, but He is strong. I couldn't do ANYTHING if it weren't for Him and His wonderful grace that is new every morning!
Those are just some random facts about me that you may or may not have known. I am supposed to tag 7 people now! Instead, if anyone wants to do it: go ahead and leave me a note in my comments so I can come check out your "random facts". I will say that I love learning little tidbits about my bloggin' friends, so play along if you dare!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mother's Day
Mom, just typing that word choked me up for a second. You have that effect on me -- you always have. There is just something so special about a mother's love. Something bad can happen to me and I'll keep it together, but as soon as I see your face or even hear your voice I will totally break down. It's like I'm still just a big baby who needs her mommy to make it all better. And, I know that your life's mission has always been just that: to make everything in your daughters' lives better. You have taught us so much about God and life and love. You have shown us that relationships aren't perfect, but when we love each other we can look over some imperfections to see the heart. And, you have a good heart! As a small child I remember you being my number one supporter. You were there after school every day with a snack and a smile. You volunteered in the library at my elementary school to be close, and I remember being so excited to see you in the middle of a school day!
When I was sick you held my hair back so I could throw up without making a big mess. (yuck)
And, you were in the kitchen crushing ice so I would stay hydrated. (I still remember how much noise that thing made. ) As I grew older, and more rebellious, you made your opinion known but you also let go and let God. And, I eventually found my way back to you (and Him) and you let me come home -- no questions asked. Remember that day? I'll never forget it.
Now that I am a mom I realize even more all of the sacrafices you made. I understand how deeply your love runs for your children as I am overwhelmed with love for my own sweet child. I get to see you loving, nurturing, and caring for MY daughter now and it makes my heart swell. I also love OUR relationship. You are one of my very best friends. I love to chat with you daily about the silly little every day stuff that goes on, and I still like to discuss the bigger and more important issues with you too. I love the times we spend out together -- shopping (like last night) and out to eat! Yes, we do love to eat out! It is so fun to make you laugh. You have become such a good really don't have a choice with a kid like me, right? But, you know I think you are the greatest and I'm so glad God gave us to each other.
Happy Mother's Day mom. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Sheri, when I married your son one of the (many) things I was excited about was marrying into his wonderful family. You all accepted me from day one and I have always felt nothing but love from you. You are a sweet and kind woman whom I really love and admire. You can cook and bake like nobody else I know (except of course your mom and sister!) And it is always fun to see what fun treats you cook up for us when we visit. You have been so thoughtful, kind, and generous to us over the past 6 years. I wish we could see you more often, because we always have the best time and it just gets more and more difficult when we have to part ways. You are so good to Lily, too. You are such a loving and patient grandma! I love to watch you with all of your grandchildren. You are an incredible woman and I am tremendously grateful to be able to call you mom. Happy Mother's Day to you. I can't wait to see you again. XOXOXOXO
So, with that I will just say: I hope everyone has a Happy Mother's Day. Whether you have your mom with you, or just her beautiful memory. Whether you can wrap your arms around your child(ren) or they are still a world away...a mother's love knows no limits.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Nothin' lil about THESE bubbles!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
It's all about the boogers!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Family, fun in the sun, and a little pillow talk.
We didn't watch much of the game, because there was a very cool playground and a big field to run around and play in. Lily had a blast, and it made me smile to watch her.
Not a bad way to start our week!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
She's lucky she's cute!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Feelin' groovy!
OK, so the bug left my body as quickly as he came and I was able to enjoy the BEAUTIFUL, PERFECT, SUNNY day with Lily yesterday. We literally did not come inside for 7 hours straight (except to do some quick diaper changes).
We had friends over in the morning and we walked with the kids up to the park. Then, we went in the backyard and played on the swingset for awhile. Lily ate her lunch "picnic" style, and we stopped over at the neighbor's house so Lily could pet their cute little bunny rabbit Mr. Beans. Lily is SUCH an animal lover, so she was in heaven over the fact that a fuzzy little creature actually sat in her lap. She is so used to kittens and puppies running from her. When it came time to ask Lily if she was ready for a nap, she just laid down on the porch and said, "I sweep outside today." It was so great to enjoy all the fresh air! Lily was just so happy! For awhile she just sat on her little chair on the porch yelling at the neighbors "Come over and see me evewee one!" For a child who claims to "yuv winta" me thinks she is a pretty big fan of the warm stuff too!
And, to totally change the subject: to my fellow American Idol watchers -- wasn't tonight's show great?!? I loved it and thought that everybody (minus Jordin, surprisingly) did an incredible job with Bon Jovi's songs. I am so curious to see what TWO people get the boot tomorrow, I think it will be kinda sad to see anyone go at this point.
Well, thank you for all your well wishes on Sunday. I am so happy I was only down and out for one day. It stormed again today, but we are supposed to have nothin' but sun for the rest of the week, so I don't expect to be in the house much...lots of late night blogging for me!