Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
"I see you momma!" "Here I am!" "She'll never find me up here"
Then, last night was the clincher... I was checking my e-mail at the kitchen table and she pulled up the chair next to me and started shoving her silver chain underneath my laptop. I didn't pay much attention, until she then put her hands over her eyes and began counting to ten. (What is she doing?) She uncovers her eyes, retrieves her chain and says with great pride and enthusiasm, "I found you bwacelet!"
The fun never stops around here, ya'll!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Finally, a little fun in the snow!
Favorite Photo Friday -- Memories!

Thursday, January 25, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Art (?) with Lily
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Once Upon a Potty

But, Lily insists on reading this particular book and who am I to argue? I mean, apparently parents everywhere highly recommend it. So, the other night when I was lying in bed with my little snuggle bug, waiting patiently for her to talk herself to sleep I realized she was repeating the same little sentence over and over again..."wittle ho mating poo poo" (which, of course ,translates to "little hole for making poo poo"...Oh my gosh, my maturity level must not be where it should be -- I about lost it. Are you kidding me???
Hey, if this book ends up playing an instrumental role in getting Lily potty-trained, then I will come back and eat my words, but until then... I just don't know!!!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Lilly's Big Day

So, one afternoon Lily asked me for some of the flowers out of a vase upstairs in our office and I gave them to her and for the next 15 minutes she "practiced" being a flower girl. "Wook at me, momma, I'm a fwower girl!"
Friday, January 19, 2007
Favorite Photo Friday: Time flies!

That adorable non-walking, non-talking, could barely sit up without falling down, baby we hardly knew is now a running, jumping, dancing, climbing, talking(non-stop), singing toddler whom we are getting to know better each day.
We loved her completely before we ever saw her face. We called her our daughter before we ever held her close. And our love for this sweet girl grows deeper every day as she continues to amaze and surprise us. Time does fly, so we try to enjoy all the moments --good, bad, and ugly because before you know it this will all be just a memory too.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
My brown eyed girl
My dad's nickname for my mom when they were dating was "Miss Brown Eyes".
My best friend from high school has blonde hair and brown eyes -- in my opinion, an incredibly rare and beautiful combination.
My niece has lovely, large brown eyes that I have admired for years, and now...
My Lily is a beautiful brown eyed girl.
She is very aware of everybody's eye color these days, too. Ever since she met (and fell in love with) the kitty cat down the street. She suddenly looked up at me and said "titty tat bween eyes" and then she gasped and said "momma bween eyes titty tat!" (translation: Kitty cat has green eyes. Momma has green eyes like the kitty cat). Then at Christmas she met Jay's aunt's dog Darby. So, now Lily has "bwown eyes wike Dawby" (brown eyes like Darby, obviously)...
Oh, and "daddy has bwoo eyes"...she hasn't met an animal with blue eyes yet.
Thanks Mya for the awesome shirt! We love it!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
More Lil Tidbits
Some of her favorite phrases right now are "Oh my gosh" an
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Howdy Partner!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Gee-Gee is here!!!!!
Friday, January 12, 2007
Happy Birthday, Papa!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Yep, I lost again!
So, for now she is still sleeping with me.
Don't worry about us, though. I call these things "battles" but I know that in the big scheme of things -- they are nothin.
We are doing really well over here. Lily is an awesome little girl, and I actually really admire her strong will. I think it will take her far in life. Not to mention the fact that she "snuggles" like no other.
To be continued...
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
It's a Battle of the Wills, folks!
Monday, January 8, 2007
Lily and her "sister"
Logan: (to Lily) "You're my sister. Say sister."
Lily: "sista, sista, sista"
Braden: "No she's not your sister... she is your COUSIN!!!"
Repeat about 5 or 6 times.
This episode lasted until Payton (my sister's 17 month old son) nailed Braden in the head with his sippy cup. Laughter erupts. Never a dull moment when the whole gang is together. I love my family and as sad as I was to see the weekend come to a close, I realize that I really enjoy my Mondays.
Oh, and the night ended with Lily having "Booma" paint her toenails real quick before we left. They were ALREADY painted pink, but she wanted more. I painted them for the first time just the other day and she is a fan. She LOVES her little piggies, and she thinks she is just ALL THAT when her toes are painted. Actually, I agree.
I've been tagged! (Thanks Dawn)
However, I did a meme a few weeks ago and already answered some of the questions, and I don't like to sound redundant, so I will change those up a little bit. (******)
A. Available or taken. Definitely taken.
B. Best Friend. My sister, Jody.
C. Cake or pie. Brownies, actually.
D. Drink of choice. Coffee with lots of flavored cream, YUM.
E. Eggs. How do you like them. Over-easy. (******)
F. Favorite Color. Pink, since Lily has come along.
G. Gummy bears or worms. I'll pass.
H. Dream house. Large ranch with a finished, walk-out basement. (******)
I. Indulgence. hmmm... see question D.
J. January or February. February (closer to spring).
K. Kid's name. Duh, Lily Lin.
L. Life incomplete without. Yes, friends and family.
M. Marriage date. May 26, 2001.
N. Number of siblings. One wonderful, awesome, beautiful, kind sister.
O. Oranges or apples. apples, I suppose. In caramel dip.
P. Phobias or fears. Crazy scared of the unknown.
Q. Quiet evening or Night on the town. Quiet evening. I'm a homebody. (******)
R. Reason to smile. Ditto my answer from K.
S. Season. Summer.
T. Tag 3 people. Becky, Verna, and Stef.
U. Unknown fact about me. That is a tough one. My life is an open book, but I guess my blogger friends might not know I was engaged to someone else before Jay. I called off my wedding 4 months before it was to take place. (Thank God)
V. Veggie I don't like. Peas, gross.
W. Worst job ever. Hostess at Denny's when I was about 14. (******)
X. X marks the spot -- where I'm ticklish. My thighs. (******)
Y. Your favorite food. Mexican. Lotsa cheese.
Z. Favorite animal at the zoo. The funny monkeys. (******)
Ok Becky, Verna, and Stef, your turn. For the original meme visit Dawn's blog (or you can do my revised version if you so choose).
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Happy Weekend!!!
Well, another weekend draws to a close, and I can't help but feel a little sad. They go by too fast, in my opinion.
Friday, January 5, 2007
Favorite Photo Friday
I worked today, so my time with her today is brief. Jay and I are going out for his birthday "celebration" soon. My parents are coming here to babysit, so I'm gonna go do the ABC's with my girl for a few minutes before I have to leave her again.