Sunday, December 10, 2006

Silly Sally

Lily has always been a bit of a monkey. Complete with the "Ooh, ooh, ah, ah's". She loves to climb, run, jump, swing, and hang from just about anything she can get her hands on. So, as you can imagine, getting this active little monkey to bed can be quite a chore. We have developed quite an elaborate pre-sleep ritual that is quite effective, although it can sometimes last longer than her actual nap. But anyway, the most important part of the ritual is storytime. We have an array of Lil's favorite books that daddy or I read to her before it is milk, music, lotsa chatter, and then finally... sleep. One of her absolute favorites (and mine too) is "Silly Sally" by Audry Wood. She just adores Sally cuz "Silly Sally went to town, walking backwards upside-down...". So, my kid, of course, monkey that she is -- imitates Sally day and night --gettin herself upside-down any way she can. It is amusing (and nerve-racking), but that , my friends, is life as a momma.
On a serious note, Lily did something before her nap the other day that absolutely blew me away... SHE read Silly Sally to ME. She had memorized every last page and I sat there amazed by my beautiful baby turned little girl. Granted, if someone had been listening outside the door, they would've scratched their head and wondered what the heck my kid was rambling about, but I understood every last word and could not have been prouder. Life as a momma is a very good life.


Emmie said...

Even in China we knew Lily would be a little monkey with those cute ears and the love for bananas. Sophia loves to pretend she's a monkey too, running around the house screaming "ooo ooo, ahh ahh."
Don't we all just have the cutest little China girls ever?! ;)

Emmie said...

We knew Lily would be a little monkey even when we were in China with those cute little ears and the love for bananas. Sophia loves to pretend she's a monkey too running around the house yelling "ooo ooo, ahh ahh." Don't we all just have the cutest little China girls ever?! ;)

Emmie said...

opps! When I tried to post my comment the first time it said service error, so I did it again. Looks like it just posted twice. Hey, I am still kinda new to this! ;)

Beckyb said...

Nik - that is SO funny - SILLY SALLY is CHloe's favorite right now and she has done the same thing - runs around with her head between her feet and says, "I Silly Sally!!!" I just love it - I tell her I am Neddy Buttercup!! We do need to get these two together!! Hey - you figured out the pics!!