Thursday, January 17, 2008

Hide N Seek

So, Lily still really enjoys playing Hide N Seek...and she has even come up with some pretty darn good hiding spots. (see pictures)

HOWEVER, she still does not grasp the concept of the game. Once she finds a spot to hide - that is HER spot. She will hide there over and over (and over) again, saying "I found a good spot!" Yes, Lily, but once you've been discovered - it's time to find a NEW good spot.
We've been playing a lot of hide n seek lately. Actually, we've been playing a lot of everything lately. Lily is officially done napping, so there are many hours in the day that we need to fill up with fun. The no nap thing was my idea - we needed to get this child sleeping before midnight. SO, this was our solution. For three nights now she has slept from 9pm to9am and it is glorious.
(she is also still upstairs in her big-girl bed, and usually makes it until 2am ish before I end up in bed with her...but it is still big progress for us.)


JulieM said...

How cute is that!! Oh you have to love playing games with the little ones!

Tiffany said...

That is so cute...... smart girl... that is a great hiding place!

LaLa said...

Great spot...hey, we have an excuse to be kids again..isn't it great!! My Annslee loves to hide and is a nightowl too....I feel your pain on that one LOL

~Amy~ said...

Ha, Kyle does the same thing. Although he gets to his spot then when I go looking he says "I'm in here, I'm in here!!" I guess that ruins the game! ;)

Steffie B. said...

woo-hoo on the sleeping issue. Sophia love H&S too! ;)

Kim said...

LOVE the Hide N Seek...
And I am jumping for joy for you... You get to SLEEP..
That is GREAT...
She is making progress..
Hugs to you my friend..

Paula said...

The first time I looked at the pictures, I couldn't see her. That is a good spot. If I was Lilly I would want to use it over and over again too. Looks like your getting the sleeping thing down! yea

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Belle does that too. She hides in Anthony's closet EVERY time. Like we can't remember she's there! LOL!

Leslie said...

This is my first visit and I will be back to read more! Sounds like you are in Mich, so are we! This all sounds so familiar with what is going on around our house!

RamblingMother said...

That is funny, Glenys does the same thing even telling me that she is going to hide there and "you can come find me."

Juliette said...

So cute!
Maëlle spend her time in her walking dressing, bringing all her toys with her. And if friends are coming, most of the time you can't get them out of there, or maybe for a brownie and some milk!
Glad Lily does better during the night.

kerri said...

I love her hiding place, LOL.
Jillian hides and then calls me to her and says"Mommy I here", LOL.
Great progress with the sleeping and the big girl bed, good going Lily(and Mom).

polkadot said...

OK, I don't want to give up the naps but maybe I should! 9 to 9 sounds wonderful.

A certain 2 year-old is up at 5am, daily. Ready to rock.

dawn said...

Lily used to do that too with the same hiding spot over and over again. Yeah for the no nap and early bedtime. Yeah for yoo and all the fun you can have.

The Johnson Family said...

Good spot!! Glad you are getting in some good rest at night!! That is always nice :)

Denise C said...

Too cute!!! Now that a great hiding place....I'd probably go to it again as well ;) !!
She's such a cutie!!!

Lily's Pad said...

Great hiding place that Lily has found. No wonder she wants to keep going back there:) Congrats on the progress in the sleeping area. 12 hours! Wow. Now that's accomplishment........


Diana said...

NO NAP??? Never!!! Gotta face reality though.... Their bedtime is getting ridiculously late and now they are getting up at 2 am and 4 am!!! So it looks like NO NAPS are coming soon to our household too. Urghhhhh
How is it working out for you?

Beth and Shayna said...

What a great hiding place. And that stinks about the no more naps, but you are one smart mommy. 9am-9pm that is so great!

Jewels of My Heart said...

She is too cute! I guess she doesn't want to waist a good thing. lol
Good for you and her on new sleeping schedule.... woohooo!

Mr.Brian said...

That is a great hiding place!!!!!
Sorry there is no nap time, I still love to nap and think it should become law that whenever possible a person and kids nap.

Tracey and Mike said...

What a great hiding spot! Clever girl!